425T | | (425T) |
D116 | Student Workbook | (D116) Workbook |
157 | 310 - 2 | Dynamic Force and Motion (157) |
320 | 4 | Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion, Part I (320) |
320 | 9 | Properties of Metallic Materials, Part I (320) |
199 | 9 | Transforms (199) |
161 | 8 | (optional) Guarded Voltmeter (161) |
197 | 1 | A Brief Data Acquisition Review (197) |
240 | APP D | A Brief History of ESS (240) |
142/195 | APP B | A Brief Run through an EMA Computer Session (142-4) |
195 | APP B | A Brief Run through an EMA Computer Session (195) |
142 | 5 | A Closer Look at Shock (142) |
142/195 | 5 | A Closer Look at Shock (142-4) |
199 | 2 | A Model of a DSP System (199) |
162 | APP A | Abbreviations and Glossary (162) |
173 | APP A | Abbreviations and Glossary (173) |
P100 | 3E | AC Circuits, Phasors (P100) |
116/117 | 15 | Accelerated Testing (116/117) |
117 | 12 | Accelerated Testing (117) |
425 | 11 | Accelerated Testing (425) |
450 | 5 | Accelerated Testing (450) |
166 | 8 | Accuracy and Error (166) |
166/164 | 6 | Accuracy and Error (166/164) |
164 | 6 | Accuracy, Calibration and Error Assessment (164) |
163 | 5 | Accuracy, Calibration and Error Assessment (163) |
194/196 | 4, Course 196 | Accuracy, Precision, Errors and Dynamic Range (194) |
196 | 4 | Accuracy, Precision, Errors and Dynamic Range (196) |
425 | 7 | Acoustic Environmental Testing (425) |
199 | 5 | Acquisition of the Signal (199) |
425 | 10 | Additional Climatic Testing Procedures (425) |
134 | 8 | Administrative Requirements (134) |
171 | 10 | Advanced PCM (171) |
173 | 13 | Agricultural Applications of GPS (173) |
194/196 | 8, Course 196 | Alias Protection (194) |
196 | 8 | Alias Protection (196) |
199 | 6 | Alias Protection, Filters and Filtering (199) |
P100 | 3D | Alternating Current — Series and Parallel (P100) |
104 | 21 | Amplifier Fundamentals (104-3) |
104/105 | 19 | Amplifier Fundamentals and Considerations (104/105) |
163 | 7 | Amplifiers and Signal Conditioners (163) |
164 | 8-1 | Analog and Digital DC and AC Meters (164) |
166/164 | 8-1 | Analog and Digital DC and AC Meters (166/164) |
104 | 11 | Analog and Digital Meters and Oscilloscopes (104-3) |
104/105 | 9 | Analog and Digital Meters and Oscilloscopes (104/105) |
163 | APP E | Analog Oscilloscope Controls (163) |
164 | APP E | Analog Oscilloscope Controls (164) |
166/164 | APP E | Analog Oscilloscope Controls (166/164) |
105 | 3 | Analog vs. Digital (105) |
104/105 | 25 | Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Conversion (104/105) |
194/196 | 10, Course 196 | Analog-to-Digital Converters (194) |
196 | 10 | Analog-to-Digital Converters (196) |
157 | 157 - 12 | Analysis of an L-Fixture (157) |
197 | 7 | Analysis of Transient Tests (197) |
451 | 4 | Annexes B, C, D Guidance for Program Management and Environmental Tailoring (451) |
171R | RQ | Answers to Review questions (171R) |
320 | APP A | Anti-Corrosion Guidelines for Naval Avionic Systems (320) |
138 | 10 | Application of Eye Diagrams (138) |
172 | 11 | Application of Eye Diagrams (172) |
172 | 6 | Application of Optics to Telecommunications Systems (172) |
138 | 6 | Application of Optics to Data Transmission System (138) |
108 | 4 | Application of Vibration Theory (108) |
450 | 7 | Applying Environmental Test Standards (450) |
164 | APP D | ASCII Codes (164) |
166/164 | APP F | ASCII codes (166/164) |
472 | 13 | Assembly (472) |
173 | 4 | Atomic Clocks (173) |
134 | 4 | Audits and Accreditation (134) |
820 | 17 | Avoiding Pump Seal Failure (820) |
163 | 8 | Avoiding Unwanted Signals (163) |
164 | 16 | Avoiding Unwanted Signals (164) |
142/195 | 6 | Background and Theory of Modal Testing (142-4) |
195 | 1 | Background and Theory of Modal Testing (195) |
194/196 | 5, Course 194 | Basic Analysis and Control Tools (194) |
311 | 1 | Basic Concepts (311) |
196 | 3 | Basic Concepts and Terminology (196) |
194/196 | 3, Course 196 | Basic Concepts and Terminology in Data Acquisition (194) |
194/196 | 1, Course 194 | Basic Concepts and Terminology in Test Control (194) |
320 | 1 | Basic Concepts in Physics and Chemistry (320) |
171 | 2 | Basic Concepts: Decibels (dB), Sensors, Filtering (171) |
472 | 3 | Basic Electronic Components (472) |
157 | 157 - 7 | Basic Fixture Types (157) |
471 | 1b | Basics of Heat Transfer, Electronic Cooling, and Thermal Design (471) |
116 | 10 | Basics of Spectral Analysis (116) |
116/117 | 9 | Basics of Spectral Analysis (116/117) |
820 | 13 | Bearing Lubrication and Failure Analysis (820) |
130 | APP A | Bibliography of Textbooks and Reference Material (130) |
171 | 9 | Bit Encoding (171) |
157 | 310 - 5 | Bolted Connections (157) |
105 | 8 | Boolean Algebra (105) |
104/105 | 28 | Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh Maps (104/105) |
104 | 1 | Brief Review of Basic Mathematics (104-3) |
419 | 6 | Business Ethics (419) |
194/196 | APP B | Buzzwords and Jargon (194) |
196 | APP B | Buzzwords and Jargon (196) |
197 | APP B | Buzzwords and Jargon (197) |
161 | 5 | Cables (161) |
116 | APP C-5 | Calculating RMS from PSD (Chapter 5 reference) (116) |
116/117 | APP C-5 | Calculating RMS from PSD (Chapter 5 reference) (116/117) |
117 | APP C5 | Calculating RMS from PSD (Chapter 5 reference) (117) |
132 | 8 | Calculating Uncertainty (132) |
132 | 5B | Calculating Uncertainty: Expanded Equations (132) |
132 | 5A | Calculating Uncertainty: The Traditional Approach (132) |
138 | APP C | Calculation of Numerical Aperture (NA) Number (138) |
173 | APP B | Calibration and Uncertainty of GPS Systems (173) |
136 | 8 | Calibration of Vibration Measuring Instruments (136) |
138 | APP D-2 | Calibration Procedure for an Optical Source (138) |
130 | 3 | Calibration Program (130) |
138 | 13 | Calibration Program (138) |
104 | 3 | Capacitors and Inductors (104-3) |
104/105 | 2 | Capacitors and Inductors (104/105) |
230 | Student Exercise | Case Study Example (230) |
820 | 5 | Cavitation (820) |
171 | APP C | CCSDS (171) |
820 | 7 | Centrifugal Pumps (820) |
425T | Part II | Chapter 6-3 through Appendix (425T) |
196 | APP D | Characterizing Errors and Dynamic Range SpecsManship...the Fine Art of Lying With Math & Statistics (196) |
194/196 | APP D | Characterizing Errors and Dynamic Range/SpecsManship...the Fine Art of Lying With Math & Statistics (194) |
157 | 310 - 11 | Chassis Analysis Example (157) |
310 | 11 | Chassis Analysis Example (310) |
825 | 10 | Check Valves (825) |
138 | 7 | Chromatic Dispersion Measurements (138) |
172 | 9 | Chromatic Dispersion Measurements (172) |
161 | 11 | Circuit Board Layout (161) |
104/105 | 32 | Circuit Board Technology (104/105) |
105 | 13 | Circuit Board Technology (105) |
425 | APP C5 | Class Exercise—Random Vibration Testing of a Spacecraft Instrument (425) |
173 | 10 | Class Project Using GPS Receiver (173) |
157 | 157 - 13 | Class Project: Designing a Cubical Fixture (157) |
173 | 2 | Classification, Launch Data and Status of GPS Satellites (173) |
138 | APP D-1 | Cleaning Procedure for Lightwave Test & Measurement Equipment (138) |
166 | 3-4 | Climatic Measurements: Flow (166) |
166/164 | 16-4 | Climatic Measurements: Flow (166/164) |
166 | 3-2 | Climatic Measurements: Humidity (166) |
166/164 | 16-2 | Climatic Measurements: Humidity (166/164) |
166 | 3-3 | Climatic Measurements: Pressure (166) |
166/164 | 16-3 | Climatic Measurements: Pressure (166/164) |
166 | 3-1 | Climatic Measurements: Temperature (166) |
166/164 | 16-1 | Climatic Measurements: Temperature (166/164) |
230 | 1 | Climatic Testing—The Big Picture (230) |
230 | APP A | Closed Loop Refrigeration Example (230) |
825 | 13 | Codes and Standards (825) |
230 | 12 | Combined Environments (230) |
161 | 7 | Common Mode Rejection (161) |
P100 | 1F | Complex Algebra (P100) |
P100 | 3F | Complex, Non-Sinusoidal and Square Waveforms (P100) |
311 | 7 | Conceptual Models for Failure Analysis (311) |
197 | 11 | Conclusions and Wrap-up (197) |
162 | 10 | Conducted Immunity (162) |
471 | 3 | Conduction Heat Transfer (471) |
421 | 11 | Configuration Management (421) |
471 | 2 | Conservation of Energy (471) |
162 | 13 | Considerations in EMC Projects (162) |
472 | 11 | Contamination Control/Environmental Control (472) |
132 | 7 | Control Charts (132) |
139 | 7 | Control of Records / Internal Audits / Management Review (139) |
825 | 9 | Control Valves (including Control Basics) (825) |
471 | 4 | Convection Heat Transfer (471) |
471 | APP E | Conversion Factors (471) |
435 | 8 | Correlation and Regression (435) |
194/196 | 1, Course 196 | Course Overview, Objectives (194) |
196 | 1 | Course Overview, Objectives (196) |
139 | 6 | Customer service, Control of Nonconforming Test and Calibrations, Corrective and Preventive Action (139) |
131 | 13 | Cylindrical Rings and Internal Cylinders (131) |
194/196 | 15, Course 196 | Data Acquisition Review and Summary (194) |
194/196 | 13, Course 196 | Data Analysis (194) |
196 | 13 | Data Analysis (196) |
197 | 9 | Data Averaging, Noise Reduction, Random Signals (197) |
171 | 8 | Data Buses (171) |
171 | 15 | Data Compression and Storage (171) |
164 | 13 | DC and AC Signal Sources (164) |
166/164 | 13 | DC and AC Signal Sources (166/164) |
163 | 2 | Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (163) |
164 | 4 | Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (164) |
116 | 2 | Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (116) |
116/117 | 2 | Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (116/117) |
117 | 2 | Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (117) |
166/164 | 4 | Decibels (dB), Logarithmic vs. Linear Scaling, Frequency Spectra, Octaves (166/164) |
132 | 2 | Definitions (132) |
130 | APP D | Definitions and Notation (130) |
161 | 1A | Definitions, Terminology and Basic Concepts of EMI/EMC/ESD (161) |
173 | APP D | Derivation of DOP Equations (173) |
472 | 6 | Design and Environmental Requirements (472) |
157 | 310 - 12 | Design Suggestions (157) |
310 | 12 | Design Suggestions (310) |
421 | 7 | Design Synthesis (421) |
116/117 | 17 | Design to Withstand Shock (116/117) |
117 | 14 | Design to Withstand Shock (117) |
142 | 9 | Design to Withstand Shock (142) |
157 | 310 - 4 | Designing for Stiffness (157) |
310 | 4 | Designing for Stiffness (310) |
450 | 8 | Developing Life Cycle Environmental Profiles (LCEPs) (450) |
451 | 36 | Developing Life Cycle Environmental Profiles (LCEPs) (451) |
172 | 15 | Development of Modern Communication Systems for US Air Force Aircraft Fleet (172) |
104 | 24 | Differential Amplifiers (104-3) |
104/105 | 23 | Differential Amplifiers (104/105) |
173 | 8 | Differential GPS; Augmentation (173) |
163 | 12 | Digital Analytical Techniques (163) |
163 | 15 | Digital Measurement and Recording Instruments (163) |
164 | 8-2 | Digital Measurement Instruments: Digital Multimeter Operation (164) |
166/164 | 8-2 | Digital Measurement Instruments: Digital Multimeter Operation (166/164) |
163 | 16 | Digital Multimeter Operation (163) |
199 | 1 | Digital Signal Processing and DSP Systems (199) |
171 | 6 | Digital Signals, Binary Arithmetic and Analog/Digital Conversion (171) |
105 | 10 | Digital Troubleshooting (105) |
194/196 | 5, Course 196 | Digitizing Theory (194) |
196 | 5 | Digitizing Theory (196) |
131 | 7 | Dimensional Calibration: Precision scaled instruments (131) |
131 | 11 | Dimensional Standards (131) |
104 | 14 | Diodes (104-3) |
104/105 | 12 | Diodes (104/105) |
105 | 4 | Diodes (105) |
435 | 6 | Distributions (435) |
162 | 14 | DO-160 (Commercial Avionics) (162) |
142/195 | 11 | Documenting Modal Test Results (142-4) |
195 | 9 | Documenting Modal Test Results (195) |
419 | 3 | DoD Acquisition Ethics (419) |
240 | APP C | Draft Statement of Work for Generic ESS Process Development (240) |
199 | 3 | DSP In Communications (199) |
199 | 12 | DSP Tools (199) |
197 | 5 | Dynamic Analysis Tools—Data Filtering (197) |
197 | 6 | Dynamic Analysis Tools—Integration and Differentiation (197) |
108 | APP C | Dynamic Force and Motion (108) |
116 | 3 | Dynamic Force and Motion (116) |
116/117 | 3 | Dynamic Force and Motion (116/117) |
117 | 3 | Dynamic Force and Motion (117) |
310 | 2 | Dynamic Force and Motion (310) |
116 | APP C-3 | Dynamic Force and Motion (Chapter 3 reference) (116) |
116/117 | APP C-3 | Dynamic Force and Motion (Chapter 3 reference) (116/117) |
117 | APP C-3 | Dynamic Force and Motion (Chapter 3 reference) (117) |
P100 | 2A | Dynamic Force and Motion (P100) |
451 | 20A | Dynamic Primer: Shock and Vibration (451) |
451 | 20A | Dynamic Primer: Shock and Vibration (SI Units) (451) |
161 | 2 | Electric Fields (161) |
136 | 7-3 | Electrical Calibration: Counters, Function and Pulse Generators, Power Supplies (136) |
136 | 7-8 | Electrical Calibration: Fiber Optics (136) |
136 | 7-6 | Electrical Calibration: Impedance Bridges, Amplifiers, Logic Analyzers, Angle Position Indicators (136) |
136 | 7-7 | Electrical Calibration: RF Power Measurement (136) |
136 | 7-5 | Electrical Calibration: Spectrum and Network Analyzers (136) |
136 | 7-2 | Electrical Calibration: Synthesizers/Sweepers (136) |
136 | 7-4 | Electrical Calibration: Temperature/ Humidity Simulation & Measurement (136) |
136 | 7-1 | Electrical Calibration: VOM Devices (136) |
472 | 10 | Electrical Component Vibration Fatigue (472) |
472 | 7 | Electrical Engineering (472) |
104 | 2 | Electrical Fundamentals Review (104-3) |
104/105 | 1 | Electrical Fundamentals Review (104/105) |
P100 | 3A | Electrical Fundamentals Review (P100) |
104 | APP C-2 | Electrical Fundamentals: Background and Examples (104-3) |
104/105 | APP C1 | Electrical Fundamentals—Background and Examples (104/105) |
104 | 12 | Electrical Power Circuits (104-3) |
104/105 | 10 | Electrical Power Circuits and Transmission Systems (104/105) |
320 | 3 | Electrochemical Corrosion Processes (320) |
471 | 10 | Electronic Cooling Design Techniques: Chassis and Racks (471) |
471 | 8 | Electronic Cooling Design Techniques: Components (471) |
471 | 9 | Electronic Cooling Design Techniques: Printed Circuit Boards (471) |
104/105 | APP D | Electrostatic Discharge (104/105) |
105 | APP B | Electrostatic Discharge (105) |
161 | 10 | Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) (161) |
161 | 1B | Electrostatics (161) |
132 | 4 | Elemental Errors (132) |
P100 | 3B | EMFs in Series and Parallel (P100) |
161 | 9 | Enclosure Shielding (161) |
240 | 4 | Environmental Forcing Functions: Thermal and Others (240) |
240 | 3 | Environmental Forcing Functions: Vibration (240) |
451 | 3 | Environmental Management and Engineering Tasks — Annex A (451) |
240 | 2 | Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) (240) |
450 | 11 | Environmental Test Requirements Checklist (450) |
450 | 3 | Environmental Testing (450) |
425 | 3 | Environmental Testing Fundamentals (425) |
425 | 2 | Environmental Testing Program (425) |
139 | 10 | Equipment (139) |
240 | 6 | Equipment Needed for a HALT Test (240) |
172 | 8 | Erbium Doped Fiber Optical Amplifiers (EDFA) (172) |
162 | 6 | ESD Testing (162) |
161 | APP D | ESD: An EMI Problem (161) |
419 | 5 | Ethics in Congress (419) |
162 | 2 | European Regulations (162) |
471 | 7 | Evaluating Cooling Requirements and Heat Transfer Mechanisms (471) |
419 | 4 | Example of Work Ethics in a Southeast Asian Village (419) |
136 | 6 | Example: Estimating Electrical Uncertainty (136) |
132 | 10-4 (Optional) | Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Chemical (132) |
132 | 10-5 (optional) | Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Electrical (132) |
132 | 10-2 (optional) | Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Indication of an External Micrometer (132) |
132 | 10-1 (Optional) | Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Mass—Electronic Scale (132) |
132 | 10-3 (optional) | Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Pressure (132) |
132 | 10-6 (optional) | Examples of Estimating Uncertainty: Temperature (132) |
172 | APP C | Excerpt from Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan (ITU-T) (172) |
450 | APP C: | Excerpts from ADS-71-SP (450) |
451 | Appendices A, B and C | Excerpts from MIL-STD-810G (451) |
450 | APP B | Excerpts from MIL–STD–810G (450) |
450 | APP A | Excerpts from NASA CxP 70036 (450) |
421 | E | Exercise (421) |
105 | 15 | Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices (105) |
134 | 5 | Facilities, Environmental Control and other Contributors of Capability (134) |
173 | 9 | False Signals (173) |
162 | 8 | Fast Transients Immunity Testing (162) |
116/117 | 13 | Fatigue (116/117) |
117 | 10 | Fatigue (117) |
157 | 310 - 9 | Fatigue (157) |
310 | 9 | Fatigue (310) |
P100 | 2E | Fatigue (P100) |
104/105 | 22 | Feedback (104/105) |
138 | APP D-5 | Fiber Optic Attenuator Procedure (138) |
138 | 15 | Fiber Optic Calibration (138) |
172 | 12 | Fiber Optic Sensors (172) |
172 | 13 | Fiber Optic System Applications (172) |
138 | 8 | Fiber Optical Cabling (138) |
172 | 7 | Fiber Optical Cabling (172) |
104 | 16 | Field Effect Transistors (FETs) (104-3) |
104/105 | 14 | Field Effect Transistors (FETs) (104/105) |
166 | 11 | Filters (166) |
166/164 | 21 | Filters (166/164) |
130 | Summary | Final Review (130) |
161 | 13 | Final Review (161) |
142/195 | APP C | Finite Element Analysis (142-4) |
195 | APP C | Finite Element Analysis (195) |
199 | 10 | Finite Impulse Response Filter — FIR (199) |
130 | To Begin | First-Day Quiz (130) |
131 | 9 | Fixed Gauging: Principles (131) |
157 | 157 - 11 | Fixture Design for Random Vibration and Shock (157) |
157 | 157 - 9 | Fixture Evaluation (157) |
320 | 5 | Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion, Part II (320) |
320 | 6 | Forms and Mechanisms of Corrosion, Part III (320) |
199 | 7 | Fourier Series (199) |
171R | FF | FreeFire Exercise (171R) |
108 | 6 | Frequency and Stiffness Considerations (108) |
421 | 6 | Functional Analysis (421) |
825 | 8 | Gate Valves (825) |
230 | 2 | General Introduction to Climatic Testing (230) |
163 | 11 | Generating and Processing Digital Data (163) |
825 | 7 | Globe Valves (825) |
136 | APP A | Glossary (136) |
166 | APP A | Glossary (166) |
138 | APP A | Glossary and Acronyms (138) |
116 | APP A | Glossary and Definitions (116) |
116/117 | APP A | Glossary and Definitions (116/117) |
108 | APP A | Glossary of Symbols and Units (108) |
142 | APP A | Glossary of Symbols and Units (142) |
142/195 | APP A | Glossary of Symbols and Units (142-4) |
195 | APP A | Glossary of Symbols and Units (195) |
104 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (104-3) |
104/105 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (104/105) |
105 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (105) |
161 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (161) |
163 | Reference A | Glossary of Terms (163) |
164 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (164) |
166/164 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (166/164) |
171 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (171) |
194/196 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (194) |
196 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (196) |
197 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (197) |
199 | APP A | Glossary of Terms (199) |
117 | APP A | Glossary of Terms and Acronyms (117) |
172 | APP A | Glossary of Terms and Acronyms (172) |
240 | APP A | Glossary of Terms and Acronyms (240) |
311 | APP D | Goodness-of-Fit Tests (311) |
173 | 3 | GPS Ground Support Equipment (173) |
173 | 5 | GPS Signals (173) |
161 | 6 | Grounding (161) |
162 | 16 | Grounding Techniques (162) |
164 | 8-4 | Guarded Voltmeter (164) |
166/164 | 8-4 | Guarded Voltmeter (166/164) |
240 | 5 | HALT: Highly Accelerated Life Testing (240) |
194/196 | 7, Course 196 | Hardware (194) |
196 | 7 | Hardware (196) |
240 | 8 | HASS: Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (240) |
199 | 4 | How Numbers are processed in a DSP Polynomials (199) |
104/105 | 34 | Hybrid Circuits (104/105) |
105 | 14 | Hybrid Circuits (105) |
820 | 6 | Hydraulic Pulses, Vibration and Water Hammer (820) |
320 | 8 | Identification and Analysis of Corrosion Problems and Solutions (320) |
311 | 4 | Improving Reliability (311) |
108 | APP B | Index of Equations (108) |
116 | APP B | Index of Equations (116) |
116/117 | APP B | Index of Equations (116/117) |
117 | APP B | Index of Equations (117) |
132 | APP A | Index of Equations (132) |
162 | APP B | Index of Equations (162) |
172 | APP B | Index of Equations (172) |
108 | APP D | Index of Graphs and Tables (108) |
199 | 11 | Infinite Impulse Response Filter — IIR (199) |
104/105 | 7 | Instrumentation Errors (104/105) |
104/105 | APP E | Integrated Circuit Applications (104/105) |
104/105 | APP C33 | Integrated Circuit Technology (104/105) |
104/105 | 33 | Integrated Circuits (104/105) |
472 | 4 | Integrated Circuits – PCB Characteristics (472) |
421 | 15 | Integrating System Engineering in Project Planning (421) |
163 | 10 | Integrating, Differentiating and Filters (163) |
157 | 157 - 4 | Interface Items (157) |
421 | 4 | Interface Management (421) |
139 | 13 | Internal Audit Process: ISO 17025 (139) |
173 | 12 | International GPS Systems (173) |
104/105 | 0 | Introduction (104/105) |
320 | 0 | Introduction (320) |
435 | 1 | Introduction (435) |
471 | 1a | Introduction (471) |
472 | 1 | Introduction (472) |
131 | 1 | Introduction and Focus (131) |
136 | 1 | Introduction and Focus (136) |
421 | 1 | Introduction and Fundamentals (421) |
139 | 1 | Introduction and Overview (139) |
172 | 1 | Introduction and Review (172) |
164 | 1 | Introduction to Instrumentation for Electrical Test and Measurement (164) |
P100 | 1C | Introduction to Algebra (P100) |
104 | 20 | Introduction to Amplifiers (104-3) |
104/105 | 18 | Introduction to Amplifiers (104/105) |
104 | 0 | Introduction to and Review of a Typical Electronic Circuit (104-3) |
166 | 1 | Introduction to Applied Measurement (166) |
P100 | 1G | Introduction to Calculus (P100) |
320 | 2 | Introduction to Corrosion (320) |
105 | 2 | Introduction to Digital Electronics (105) |
104/105 | 29 | Introduction to Digital Troubleshooting (104/105) |
425 | 4 | Introduction to Environmental Test Procedures (425) |
240 | 1 | Introduction to Environmental Testing (240) |
425 | 1 | Introduction to Environmental Testing (425) |
419 | 1 | Introduction to Ethics (419) |
138 | 1 | Introduction to Fiber Optic Systems (138) |
157 | 157 - 2 | Introduction to Fixture Design (157) |
173 | 1 | Introduction to GPS Systems (173) |
166/164 | 1 | Introduction to Instrumentation for Electrical Test and Measurement (166/164) |
450 | 9 | Introduction to ISO Quality Standards (450) |
138 | 2 | Introduction to Light Properties (138) |
172 | 3 | Introduction to Light Properties (172) |
138 | 3 | Introduction to Light Transmission (138) |
166/164 | 15 | Introduction to Measurement Engineering (166/164) |
116 | 14 | Introduction to Mechanical Shock (116) |
116/117 | 16 | Introduction to Mechanical Shock (116/117) |
117 | 13 | Introduction to Mechanical Shock (117) |
108 | 3 | Introduction to Mechanical Terms and Material Properties (108) |
138 | 11 | Introduction to Metrology and Calibration (138) |
116 | 8 | Introduction to Power Amplifiers (116) |
820 | 1 | Introduction to Pumps (820) |
116 | 5 | Introduction to Random Vibration (116) |
116/117 | 5 | Introduction to Random Vibration (116/117) |
142 | 4 | Introduction to Shock (142) |
142/195 | 4 | Introduction to Shock (142-4) |
117 | 4 | Introduction to Signal Waveforms and Electronic Filters (117) |
171 | 1 | Introduction to Telemetry Systems (171) |
116 | 7 | Introduction to Test Fixtures (116) |
116/117 | 7 | Introduction to Test Fixtures (116/117) |
117 | 7 | Introduction to Test Fixtures (117) |
130 | 1 | Introduction to the Measurement Process (130) |
471 | 6 | Introduction to Thermal Resistance Networks (471) |
132 | 1 | Introduction to Uncertainty (132) |
825 | 1 | Introduction to Valves (825) |
108 | 2 | Introduction to Vibration (108) |
116 | 1 | Introduction to Vibration (116) |
116/117 | 1 | Introduction to Vibration (116/117) |
117 | 1 | Introduction to Vibration (117) |
157 | 310 - 1 | Introduction to Vibration (157) |
310 | 1 | Introduction to Vibration (310) |
116 | 6 | Introduction to Vibration Exciters (Shakers) (116) |
116/117 | 6 | Introduction to Vibration Exciters (Shakers) (116/117) |
117 | 6 | Introduction to Vibration Exciters (Shakers) (117) |
157 | 157 - 1 | Introduction to Vibration Test Equipment (157) |
130 | APP C | ISO 9000 (130) |
138 | 14 | ISO Standard 17025 (138) |
131 | 16 | ISO Standard 17025 in Calibration Laboratories (131) |
105 | 9 | Karnaugh Maps (105) |
P100 | 3C | Kirchhoff’s Laws; Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems (P100) |
134 | Review | Knowledge Check (134) |
435 | APP C | Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) Limits (435) |
104/105 | 8 | Laboratory/Workshop Safety (104/105) |
104 | 6 | Laboratory/Workshop Safety Practice (104-3) |
105 | APP D | Laboratory/Workshop Safety Practice (105) |
131 | 8 | Laser Interferometry: Light as the Length Standard (131) |
138 | 5 | Light Sources (138) |
172 | 5 | Light Sources (172) |
173 | APP C | Linearization Solution of Satellite-to-User Range Equations (173) |
138 | APP B | List of Equations (138) |
P100 | 1B | Logarithms and Decibels (P100) |
105 | 7 | Logic Functions (105) |
162 | 4 | Low Frequency Emissions / Harmonics (162) |
162 | 5 | Low Frequency Emissions: Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker (162) |
138 | APP E | Lower Cost Methods of Measuring Optical Bandwidth (138) |
161 | 3 | Magnetic Field Coupling (161) |
162 | 11 | Magnetic Field Immunity (Power Frequency) (162) |
166/164 | 8-3 | Making Measurements with a Digital Multimeter (166/164) |
163 | 17 | Making Measurements with a Digital Multimeter (163) |
164 | 8-3 | Making Measurements with a Digital Multimeter (164) |
139 | 4 | Management System; Documentation Control (139) |
472 | 12 | Manufacturing (472) |
435 | APP E | Markov/State Models (435) |
131 | 5 | Mass and Weight; Buoyancy (131) |
131 | 6 | Mass Measurement Techniques (131) |
157 | 310 - 10 | Material Selection in Engineering Design (157) |
310 | 10 | Material Selection in Engineering Design (310) |
108 | 5 | Materials and Beams (108) |
104/105 | APP B | Mathematical Fundamentals (104/105) |
142/195 | APP D | Matrix Math Revisited (142-4) |
195 | APP D | Matrix Math Revisited (195) |
157 | 157 - 5 | Measurement and Readout of Vibration (157) |
131 | 12 | Measurement of Angles: Angle Gage Blocks (131) |
142 | 7 | Measurement of Shock (142) |
142/195 | 13 | Measurement of Shock (142-4) |
130 | 5 | Measurement Standards and Traceability (130) |
136 | 2 | Measurement Standards and Traceability (136) |
138 | 12 | Measurement Standards and Traceability (138) |
164 | 15 | Measurement Systems (164) |
194/196 | 4, Course 194 | Measurement Systems (194) |
130 | 9 | Measurement Techniques / Considerations (130) |
139 | 11 | Measurement Traceability / Sampling / Handling of Test and Calibration Items / Assuring Quality of Test and Calibration Results (139) |
130 | 6 | Measurement Uncertainty (130) |
136 | 5 | Measurement Uncertainty (136) |
166 | 12 | Measurement Uncertainty and Introduction to Statistics (166) |
166/164 | 22 | Measurement Uncertainty and Introduction to Statistics (166/164) |
130 | APP E | Measurement Uncertainty Budget (130) |
435 | 2 | Measures of Central Tendency (435) |
435 | 3 | Measures of Dispersion (435) |
130 | 4 | Measuring and Test Equipment (130) |
472 | 8 | Mechanical Engineering (472) |
157 | 310 - 8 | Mechanical Shock (157) |
310 | 8 | Mechanical Shock (310) |
425 | 6.2 | Mechanical Shock Test Equipment (425) |
425 | 6.3 | Mechanical Shock Test Procedures (425) |
425 | 6.1 | Mechanical Shock Theory (425) |
104/105 | 31 | Memory (104/105) |
105 | 12 | Memory (105) |
142/195 | 8 | Meshing (142-4) |
195 | 6 | Meshing (195) |
451 | 6 | Method 500.5 Low Pressure (Altitude) (451) |
451 | 7 | Method 501.5 High Temperature (451) |
451 | 8 | Method 502.5 Low Temperature (451) |
451 | 9 | Method 503.5 Temperature Shock (451) |
451 | 10 | Method 504.1 Contamination by Fluids (451) |
451 | 11 | Method 505.5 Solar Radiation (Sunshine) (451) |
451 | 12 | Method 506.5 Rain (451) |
451 | 13 | Method 507.5 Humidity (451) |
451 | 14 | Method 508.6 Fungus (451) |
451 | 15 | Method 509.5 Salt Fog (451) |
451 | 16 | Method 510.5 Sand and Dust (451) |
451 | 17 | Method 511.5 Explosive Atmosphere (451) |
451 | 18 | Method 512.5 Immersion (451) |
451 | 19 | Method 513.6 Acceleration (451) |
451 | 20B | Method 514.6 Vibration (451) |
451 | 21 | Method 515.6 Acoustic Noise (451) |
451 | 22 | Method 516.6 Shock (451) |
451 | 23 | Method 517.1 Pyroshock (451) |
451 | 24 | Method 518.1 Acidic Atmosphere (451) |
451 | 25 | Method 519.6 Gunfire Shock (451) |
451 | 26 | Method 520.3 Temperature, Humidity, Vibration and Shock (451) |
451 | 27 | Method 521.3 Icing/Freezing Rain (451) |
451 | 28 | Method 522.1 Ballistic Shock (451) |
451 | 29 | Method 523.3 Vibro-Acoustic/Temperature (451) |
451 | 30 | Method 524 Freeze/Thaw (451) |
451 | 31 | Method 525 Time Waveform Replication (451) |
451 | 32 | Method 526 Rail Impact (451) |
451 | 33 | Method 527 Multi-Exciter Testing (MET) (451) |
451 | 34 | Method 528 Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment (451) |
320 | 7 | Methods of Corrosion Control (320) |
130 | 2 | Metrication / The Metric System (SI) (130) |
134 | 1 | Metrology is a Science, Calibration is a Process (134) |
132 | APP B | Metrology Reference Information (132) |
131 | APP B | Metrology Reference, Technical Organizations (131) |
311 | APP A | MIL-HDBK-217E (311) |
162 | 15 | MIL-STD-461 (162) |
311 | APP B | MIL-STD-781D (311) |
142/195 | 15A | MIL-STD-810G, Method 516.6, Shock (142-4) |
142 | 10A | MIL-STD-810G, Method 516.6, Shock (optional) (142) |
450 | 2 | Military vs. Commercial Specifications (450) |
161 | 4 | Mixed Coupling (161) |
157 | 310 - 6 | Modal Analysis and Modal Testing (157) |
310 | 6 | Modal Analysis and Modal Testing (310) |
142/195 | 10 | Modal Parameter Extraction (142-4) |
195 | 8 | Modal Parameter Extraction (195) |
142/195 | 7 | Modal Test Planning and Set-up (142-4) |
195 | 5 | Modal Test Planning and Set-up (195) |
116/117 | 14 | Modal Testing (116/117) |
117 | 11 | Modal Testing (117) |
421 | 9 | Modeling & Simulation (421) |
104/105 | APP C28 | More about Boolean Algebra (104/105) |
105 | APP C14 | More about Integrated Circuits (105) |
435 | 7 | More Distributions (435) |
194/196 | 9, Course 194 | Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systems (194) |
142 | 2 | Multiple-Degrees of Freedom (MDoF) Systems (142) |
142/195 | 2 | Multiple-Degrees of Freedom (MDoF) Systems (142-4) |
195 | 3 | Multiple-Degrees of Freedom (MDoF) Systems (195) |
194/196 | 9, Course 196 | Multiplexers (194) |
196 | 9 | Multiplexers (196) |
134 | 2 | National, International Quality Standards, Requirements and Guides for Calibration (134) |
138 | APP D-3 | NIST Standard Reference Material 2517A (138) |
163 | 3 | Noise (163) |
164 | 3 | Noise (164) |
166/164 | 3 | Noise (166/164) |
104/105 | 26 | Numbering Systems and Binary Arithmetic (104/105) |
105 | 6 | Numbering Systems and Binary Arithmetic (105) |
104 | 25 | Operational Amplifiers (104-3) |
104/105 | 24 | Operational Amplifiers (104/105) |
172 | 14 | Optical Devices being Developed at the Naval Research Laboratory (172) |
138 | 4 | Optical Fibers (138) |
172 | 4 | Optical Fibers (172) |
139 | 3 | Organization and Management (139) |
134 | 6 | Organizational Structure and Responsibilities (134) |
157 | 157 - 10 | Orthogonal Motion—Cross Talk (157) |
199 | 8 | Orthogonality and Quadrature (199) |
197 | 3 | Oscillating-Signal Analysis (197) |
104 | 23 | Oscillators (104-3) |
104/105 | 21 | Oscillators (104/105) |
136 | 9 | Oscilloscopes (136) |
163 | 13 | Oscilloscopes (163) |
164 | 9 | Oscilloscopes (164) |
166/164 | 9 | Oscilloscopes (166/164) |
131 | 15 | Other Geometries: Cylinders, Threads and Spheres—Dimensional Nightmares (131) |
240 | APP B | Overview of Accelerated Testing Analytical Models (240) |
136 | 10 | Overview of ISO 17025 (136) |
435 | APP B | Parameter Estimation and Design of Experiments (435) |
163 | 4 | Parameters of Linear Systems (163) |
164 | 5 | Parameters of Linear Systems (164) |
166/164 | 5 | Parameters of Linear Systems (166/164) |
451 | 1 | Part One: Introduction, History and Scope (451) |
451 | 35 | Part Three: World Climatic Regions— Guidance (451) |
451 | 5 | Part Two: Typical Format used for Environmental Test Methods; Commonly cited paragraphs from Part One (451) |
472 | 5 | PCB Materials (472) |
240 | 7 | Performing HALT: Highly Accelerated Life Test (240) |
104 | 18 | Photo-Electric Devices (104-3) |
104/105 | 16 | Photo-electric Devices (104/105) |
471 | APP D | Physical Properties of Materials (471) |
164 | 11 | Power and Energy Measurements (164) |
166/164 | 11 | Power and Energy Measurements (166/164) |
162 | 9 | Power Line Surge Testing (162) |
820 | 4 | Practical Applications: Calculating Head (820) |
230 | 0 | Preparatory Segment (230) |
450 | 10 | Preparing and Reviewing Environmental Requirements (450) |
104/105 | 27 | Primitive Logic Functions (104/105) |
435 | 5 | Probability (435) |
311 | 9 | Probability/Statistics (311) |
132 | 6 | Propagation of Errors (132) |
320 | 10 | Properties of Metallic Materials, Part II (320) |
320 | 11 | Properties of Metallic Materials, Part III (320) |
320 | 12 | Properties of Non-Metallic Materials (320) |
230 | APP C | Published Papers, References (230) |
820 | 12 | Pump Bearing Problems (820) |
820 | 11 | Pump Bearings: Physical Failure Analysis (820) |
820 | 15 | Pump Foundations and Mountings (820) |
820 | 14 | Pump Imbalance, Alignment, Coupling (820) |
820 | 19 | Pump Maintenance, Planning and Scheduling (820) |
820 | 9 | Pump Operation and Mechanical Issues (820) |
820 | 8 | Pump Operation and Performance Curves (820) |
820 | 3 | Pump Parameters (820) |
820 | 10 | Pump Seals (820) |
820 | 2 | Pump Types (820) |
820 | 16 | Pumpjacks and Blowout Preventers (820) |
472 | 15 | Quality Assurance (472) |
134 | 3 | Quality Management System (134) |
162 | 7 | Radiated Field Immunity Testing (162) |
471 | 5 | Radiation Heat Transfer (471) |
194/196 | 7, Course 194 | Random Testing (194) |
157 | 310 - 7 | Random Vibration (157) |
310 | 7 | Random Vibration (310) |
117 | 5 | Random Vibration and Spectral Analysis (117) |
116 | 13 | Random Vibration Testing (116) |
116/117 | 12 | Random Vibration Testing (116/117) |
116/117 | APP C-12 | Random Vibration Testing (Chapter 12 reference) (116/117) |
116 | APP C-13 | Random Vibration Testing (Chapter 13 reference) (116) |
171 | 12 | Range Telecommunications (171) |
104 | 7 | Reactance and Impedance in AC Circuits (104-3) |
104 | APP C-7 | Reactance and Impedance in AC Circuits: Examples (104-3) |
104/105 | 4 | Reactances in Series and Parallel (104/105) |
104/105 | APP C4 | Reactive AC Circuits—Examples (104/105) |
194/196 | 11, Course 196 | Real System Configurations (194) |
196 | 11 | Real System Configurations (196) |
104 | 19 | Rectifiers and Filters (104-3) |
104/105 | 17 | Rectifiers and Filters (104/105) |
166 | 7 | Reducing Signal Noise (166) |
166/164 | 18 | Reducing Signal Noise (166/164) |
131 | 10 | Reference Planes—Calibration of Flatness: Surface plates (131) |
161 | APP C | Reference: Typical Capacitances, Electrical isolation for accelerometers, EM Radiation Frequency Range (161) |
163 | Reference B | References, Bibliography, and Further Readings (163) |
311 | 6 | Reliability Program: Engineering Tasks (311) |
311 | 5 | Reliability Program—Management, Engineering Tasks—MIL Standard 785 (311) |
311 | 8 | Reliability Testing (311) |
311 | 2 | Reliability-Quality (311) |
825 | 11 | Relief Valves (825) |
139 | 12 | Reporting the Results (139) |
132 | 9 | Reporting Uncertainty (132) |
139 | 5 | Requests, Tenders, Contracts, Purchasing (139) |
421 | 3 | Requirements Definition and Tracking (421) |
421 | 14 | Requirements Verification (421) |
421 | 5 | Resource Allocations and Tracking (421) |
196 | 15 | Review and Summary (196) |
162 | 1 | Review of Applicable Theory and Terminology (162) |
172 | APP D | Review of Basic Electrical Theory (172) |
104 | APP C-1 | Review of Basic Mathematics (104-3) |
P100 | 1A | Review of Basic Mathematics (P100) |
172 | 2 | Review of Basic Telecommunications Theory (172) |
166 | 4 | Review of Dynamic Theory (166) |
166/164 | 17 | Review of Dynamic Theory (166/164) |
163 | 1.1 | Review of Electrical Fundamentals Part 1 (163) |
163 | 1.2 | Review of Electrical Fundamentals Part 2 (163) |
P100 | 1D | Review of Geometry/Introduction to Trigonometry (P100) |
450 | 6 | Review of Important Environmental Standards (450) |
108 | 1 | Review of Mathematics (108) |
131 | 3 | Review of Statistical Analysis and Uncertainty (131) |
P100/157 | 2D/310 - 3 | Review of Structural Design Fundamentals (157) |
310 | 3 | Review of Structural Design Fundamentals (310) |
472 | APP | Review of Vibration Effects (472) |
139 | Knowledge Check | Review Questions (139) |
197 | APP C | Review Questions (197) |
162 | 3 | RF Emissions (162) |
171 | 16 | RF Transmission (171) |
130 | 7 | Risk Management (130) |
421 | 13 | Risk Management (421) |
194/196 | 2, Course 196 | Role of Data Acquisition (194) |
196 | 2 | Role of Data Acquisition (196) |
825 | 12 | Safety Relief Valves (825) |
164 | 7 | Safety, Grounding, Circuit Protection, Input/Output Impedance, Power Transfer (164) |
166/164 | 7 | Safety, Grounding, Circuit Protection, Input/Output Impedance, Power Transfer (166/164) |
194/196 | APP C | Sample Data Acquisition System Specification (194) |
196 | APP C | Sample System Specification (196) |
194/196 | 6, Course 196 | Sampling Theory — Aliasing (194) |
196 | 6 | Sampling Theory — Aliasing (196) |
173 | 7 | Satellite Tracking, Triangulation and Differential GPS Systems (173) |
139 | 2 | Scope, Normative References, Terms (139) |
104 | 13 | Semiconductor Physics (104-3) |
104/105 | 11 | Semiconductor Physics (104/105) |
105 | 1 | Semiconductor Physics (105) |
172 | APP E | Semiconductors, Diodes and Transistors (172) |
164 | 14 | Sensors / Transducers (164) |
166/164 | 14 | Sensors / Transducers (166/164) |
104 | 8 | Series and Parallel Resonance (104-3) |
104/105 | 5 | Series and Parallel Resonance (104/105) |
134 | 9 | Service Providers, Housekeeping and Safety (134) |
142/195 | 9 | Setting up the Modal Test (142-4) |
195 | 7 | Setting up the Modal Test (195) |
163 | 14 | Shock Measurement (163) |
142 | 8 | Shock Testing (142) |
142/195 | 14 | Shock Testing (142-4) |
166 | 10 | Signal Analysis and Aliasing (166) |
166/164 | 20 | Signal Analysis and Aliasing (166/164) |
171 | 4 | Signal Sampling (171) |
116 | 4 | Signal Waveforms and Electronic Filters (116) |
116/117 | 4 | Signal Waveforms and Electronic Filters (116-117) |
171 | 3 | Signal Waveforms and Fourier Analysis (171) |
194/196 | 8, Course 194 | Sine Testing (194) |
116 | 12 | Sine Vibration Testing (116) |
116/117 | 11 | Sine Vibration Testing (116/117) |
116/117 | APP C-11 | Sine Vibration Testing — Crossover Frequency Example (Chapter 11 reference) (116/117) |
116 | APP C-12 | Sine Vibration Testing — Crossover Frequency Example (Chapter 12 reference) (116) |
195 | 2 | Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDoF) and 2DoF Systems (195) |
142/195 | 1 | Single-Degree-of-Freedom and 2-Degree-of-Freedom (SDoF and 2DoF) Systems (142-4) |
142 | 1 | Single-Degree-of-Freedom and 2-Degree-of-Freedom (SDoF and 2DoF) Systems (142) |
142 | 3 | Some Essentials of Signal Processing (142) |
142/195 | 3 | Some Essentials of Signal Processing (142-4) |
195 | 4 | Some Essentials of Signal Processing (195) |
471 | 11 | Special Cooling Applications (471) |
197 | 10 | Special Topics (197) |
240 | 9 | Specifications for HALT & HASS (240) |
197 | 4 | Spectral Analysis (197) |
197 | 8 | Spectral Analysis of “Continuous” Tests (197) |
116 | APP C-10 | Spectral Analysis/Aliasing (Chapter 10 reference) (116) |
164 | 17 | Spectral and Fourier Analysis (164) |
166 | 9 | Spectral and Fourier Analysis (166) |
166/164 | 19 | Spectral and Fourier Analysis (166/164) |
166 | APP B | Standard Deviation Calculation Worksheet (166) |
166/164 | APP B | Standard Deviation Calculation worksheet (166/164) |
116 | 15 | Standards, Specifications and Procedures (116) |
116/117 | 18 | Standards, Specifications and Procedures (116/117) |
117 | 15 | Standards, Specifications and Procedures (117) |
104/105 | 30 | State Diagrams, Tables and Machines (104/105) |
105 | 11 | State Diagrams, Tables and Machines (105) |
197 | 2 | Static Test Analysis |
132 | 3 | Statistical concepts in measurement (132) |
311 | APP E | Statistical Confidence Limits (311) |
435 | APP F | Statistical Confidence Limits (435) |
164 | APP C | Statistical Distributions (164) |
311 | 10 | Statistical Distributions (311) |
P100 | 2D | Structural Theory: Beams (P100) |
P100/157 | 2D/310 - 3 | Structural Theory: Beams (P100) |
P100 | 2B | Structural Theory: Materials, Stress, and Strain (P100) |
P100 | 2C | Structural Theory: Torque, Moments of Inertia (P100) |
435 | 9-1 | Student Exercise: Designing a Sampling Experiment (435) |
435 | | Student Exercise: Tests Between Two Populations and Samples (435) |
435 | | Student Experiment (435) |
117 | APP C7 | Swept Sine Resonance Search—Fixture Evaluation Example (Chapter 7 reference) (117) |
161 | 12 | Switching Power Supplies (161) |
163 | 9 | System Considerations (163) |
421 | 16 | System Engineering Execution (421) |
171 | 14 | System Processing, Testing, and Specifying (171) |
194/196 | 14, Course 196 | System Specification and Evaluation (194) |
196 | 14 | System Specification and Evaluation (196) |
421 | 2 | Systems Engineering Fundamentals (421) |
142/195 | 15D | Table-Top Drop Shock Test (142-4) |
142 | 10D | Table-Top Drop Shock Test (optional) (142) |
194/196 | APP E | Technical Articles and Demonstration Programs (194) |
196 | APP E | Technical Articles and Demonstration Programs (196) |
134 | APP B | Technical Organizations / Metrology Materials (134) |
130 | APP B | Technical Organizations / Reference Materials (130) |
131 | 4 | Technical Requirements in Calibration Procedures: Content requirements (131) |
131 | 2 | Technical Requirements in Calibration Standards (131) |
136 | 3 | Technical Requirements in Calibration Standards (136) |
139 | 8 | Technical Requirements: General, Personnel, Accommodation and Environmental Conditions (139) |
171 | 5 | Telemetry Techniques: Frequency Modulation (FM) and Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) (171) |
171 | 7 | Telemetry Techniques: Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) (171) |
230 | 13 | Test Ethics and Documentation (230) |
116/117 | APP C-7 | Test Fixture Evaluation Example (Chapter 7 reference) (116/117) |
450 | 4 | Test Tailoring and Document Tailorability (450) |
139 | 9 | Test/Calibration Methods and Method Validation (139) |
472 | 14 | Testing (472) |
172 | 10 | Testing DWDM Passive Optical Components (172) |
194/196 | 3, Course 194 | Testing Objectives/Philosophy and Simulation Concepts (194) |
138 | 9 | Testing Passive Optical Components (138) |
194/196 | 12, Course 196 | The Computer and The Data Acquisition System (194) |
196 | 12 | The Computer and The Data Acquisition System (196) |
171 | 13 | The Computer and the Telemetry System (171) |
230 | 9 | The Fungus Environment (230) |
171 | 18 | The Future (171) |
230 | 5 | The Humidity Environment (230) |
230 | 11 | The Immersion, Splash, Spray and Leak Environment (230) |
230 | 4 | The Pressure (Altitude) Environment (230) |
472 | 2 | The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) (472) |
230 | 8 | The Rain and Ice Environments (230) |
311 | 3 | The Reliability Discipline (311) |
421 | 12 | The Review Process (421) |
450 | 1 | The Role of Environmental Standards and Specifications (450) |
230 | 7 | The Salt Fog Environment (230) |
230 | 10 | The Sand and Dust Environment (230) |
142 | 6 | The Shock Response Spectrum (142) |
142/195 | 12 | The Shock Response Spectrum (142-4) |
230 | 6 | The Solar Radiation Environment (230) |
451 | 2 | The Team; General Test Guidelines (451) |
230 | 3 | The Temperature Environments (230) |
472 | 9 | Thermal Design (472) |
471 | 12 | Thermal Modeling (471) |
425 | 9.2 | Thermal Test Equipment (425) |
425 | 9.3 | Thermal Test Procedures (425) |
471 | 13 | Thermal Testing (471) |
425 | APP C9 | Thermal Testing Background Information (425) |
425 | 9.1 | Thermal Theory (425) |
131 | 14 | Threads and Cylindrical Rings (131) |
104/105 | 15 | Thyristors (104/105) |
164 | 10 | Time and Frequency Measurements (164) |
166/164 | 10 | Time and Frequency Measurements (166/164) |
171 | 11 | Time Codes (171) |
173 | 6 | Time Measurement and GPS (173) |
435 | APP D | Tolerance Analysis (435) |
173 | 11 | Tracking Systems Using GPS (173) |
421 | 8 | Trade Studies (421) |
166 | APP D | Transducer Calibration (166) |
166/164 | APP D | Transducer Calibration (166/164) |
163 | 6 | Transducers (163) |
166 | 5 | Transducers (166) |
104 | 9 | Transformers (104-3) |
104/105 | 6 | Transformers (104/105) |
104/105 | 3 | Transient R-C and R-L Circuits (104/105) |
104/105 | APP C3 | Transient R-C and R-L Circuits—Examples (104/105) |
104 | 4 | Transient RC and RL Circuits (104-3) |
104 | APP C-4 | Transient RC and RL Circuits: Examples (104-3) |
194/196 | 6, Course 194 | Transient Testing (194) |
104 | 15 | Transistors and Biasing (104-3) |
104/105 | 13 | Transistors and Biasing (104/105) |
105 | 5 | Transistors and Biasing; Field Effect Transistors (FETs) (105) |
130 | 8 | Treatment of Data (130) |
820 | 18 | Trouble Shooting Pumps (820) |
104 | 22 | Tuned Amplifiers (104-3) |
104/105 | 20 | Tuned Amplifiers (104/105) |
164 | 2 | Types of Data Signals (164) |
166/164 | 2 | Types of Data Signals (166/164) |
136 | 4 | Types of Standards (136) |
142/195 | 15E | Typical Drop Shock and Vibration Test Specification for Disk Drive Assemblies (142-4) |
142 | 10E | Typical Drop Shock and Vibration Test Specification for Disk Drive Assemblies (optional) (142) |
142/195 | 15C | Typical Free Fall Shock Test Specification (142-4) |
142 | 10C | Typical Free Fall Shock Test Specification (optional) (142) |
163 | Reference C | Typical Instrumentation Selection Check List (163) |
166 | APP C | Typical Instrumentation Selection Check List (166) |
166/164 | APP C | Typical Instrumentation Selection Check List (166/164) |
164 | APP C2 | Understanding Decibels (dB) and Octaves (164) |
166 | 2 | Understanding Decibels (dB) and Octaves (166) |
199 | APP C | Understanding Decibels (dB) and Octaves (199) |
116 | APP C-2 | Understanding Decibels and Octaves (Chapter 2 reference) (116) |
116/117 | APP C-2 | Understanding Decibels and Octaves (Chapter 2 reference) (116/117) |
117 | APP C-2 | Understanding Decibels and Octaves (Chapter 2 reference) (117) |
142/195 | 15B | Undex Underwater Explosions And Surface Testing (142-4) |
142 | 10B | Undex Underwater Explosions And Surface Testing (optional) (142) |
163 | 18 | Using a Function Generator/Arbitrary Waveform Generator (163) |
425 | 8 | Vacuum Testing (425) |
425 | APP C8 | Vacuum Testing Background Information (425) |
825 | 6 | Valve Actuators and Positioners (825) |
825 | 3 | Valve Construction and Materials (825) |
825 | 5 | Valve Trim and Characteristics (825) |
825 | 4 | Valve Types (825) |
825 | 2 | Valves and Flow Dynamics (825) |
P100 | 1E | Vectors, Sine Waves, Phase (P100) |
171 | 17 | Vendors in Telemetry (171) |
194/196 | 2, Course 194 | Vibration Environment Simulation Hardware (194) |
116 | 9 | Vibration Measurement (116) |
116/117 | 8 | Vibration Measurement (116/117) |
117 | 8 | Vibration Measurement (117) |
425 | 5.2 | Vibration Test Equipment (425) |
157 | 157 - 3 | Vibration Test Fixtures - General Remarks (157) |
425 | 5.3 | Vibration Test Procedures (425) |
116 | 11 | Vibration Testing (116) |
116/117 | 10 | Vibration Testing (116/117) |
117 | 9 | Vibration Testing (117) |
157 | 157 - 6 | Vibration Testing Specifications (157) |
425 | 5.1 | Vibration Theory (425) |
162 | 12 | Voltage Dips and Interruptions—Immunity (162) |
138 | APP D-4 | Wavemeter Calibration Procedure (138) |
164 | 12 | Wheatstone Bridges (164) |
166 | 6 | Wheatstone Bridges (166) |
166/164 | 12 | Wheatstone Bridges (166/164) |
421 | 10 | Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (421) |
419 | 2 | Work Ethics (419) |
435 | 4 | Worked Example (435) |
134 | 7 | Workflow and Calibration Process (134) |